Monday, December 26, 2011

McLain to lead two oil painting classes in Darlington

Vicky McLain, one of the Pee Dee's leading authorities on oil painting and arts instruction, will be leading two classes at Darlington's Birds Of A Feather in January.  

4-Week Class

McLain will be leading a 4-week class at Birds Of A Feather in Darlington.

The class will meet on Tuesdays from 6pm-8pm beginning January 3rd.  Tuition is $70.

For more information,click here.

2-Day Portrait Painting Class

McLain will also be leading a two-day portrait painting class on January 26th & 27th.  This class will last from 9am to 3pm both days and costs $85.

For more information,click here.

Click here to view other workshops offered by McLain in January.

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