Friday, September 13, 2013

October 5th: A Low-key Colloquy of Young Adults to Be Held on in Bennettsville

A Low-key Colloquy is a gathering of young adults (aged 18 to 29) addressing life’s questions. The gathering lasts two hours and consists of 15 minutes of unstructured chatting and eating and a hour and 45 minutes worth of question asking and answering. Attendees are asked to bring a homemade snack/dish to share, a question to submit to the group, and a honest mouth. Low-key Colloquies are inspired by Manna ( and SoulPancake ( The goal of Low-key Colloquies is to (echoing Manna’s goal) “bring together [young adults] of different beliefs and backgrounds for meaningful conversation and relationships”. Reasonable questions to ask others at the event include (but are not limited to):
- What will you never change your mind about? - What is the best way to handle hate? - How do you know if a friendship is healthy? - What do you believe strictly on faith? - Would you rather live in a giant peach or a giant shoe? - Should we lie to protect other people’s feelings? - What does science fail to explain for you? - Which is better: Coke® or Pepsi®?
Simply put, it is a time to "get real".

Email for more information.

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