Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Creatures, Critters and Characters of Visualicious at the Art Trail Gallery

Recently, I had a meeting at the Art Trail Gallery in Florence.  I had some free time before the meeting and I captured a few images on my phone.  Some of these photos are nearly the entire image as the artist intended.  Many are not.  The name of each artist appears below each image. 

-Bruce Douglas, Pee Dee Arts

Janis Hobbs

Rachel Jones

Blake Wright

Gingi Martin

M. Frances

No Label

Chelsea Kean

Cherise Klein

Rx Ones

Angela Jackson

Sue Czerwinski

Betsy Padgett

Chris McJunkin

Blake Wright

Neil McClendon

Neil McClendon

Tiffany Thomas

Patz Fowle

Jada Pompey

April Artis

Pee Dee Arts is dedicated to promoting the Arts and cultural activities in the Pee Dee Region of Eastern South Carolina.  To have your event, program or class promoted, email Bruce Douglas at 
This blogsite is our temporary eHome until our website is completed.

1 comment:

  1. The face that has the artist name Cynthia Jewell Pollett was made by Tiffany Thomas.
