Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Artists: Check out these opportunities from the South Carolina Arts Commission!

The South Carolina Arts Commission is currently offering two grants for individual artists.  One, Artists' Ventures Initiative, is for startup support for a business and the other is a fellowship.  Read below for more information:

Artists’ Ventures Initiative
Deadline: October 17, 2011
Maximum ask: $5,000

AVI grants are designed to enable professional-caliber working artists or groups of collaborating artists to launch a new venture or significantly alter an existing venture. S.C. artists may apply for grants up to $5,000.

Because this is a fairly thorough grant application, those considering this grant should participate in the webinar on Sept. 14; two identical webinar sessions are offered - one at 10:00 a.m. and one at 5:30 p.m. The webinar is free, but registration is required.

For more information, visit the S.C. Artists' Ventures Initiative (AVI) Grant guidelines page.

Artist Fellowships
Deadline: November 1, 2011
Fellowship amount: $5,000

Artists working in prose, poetry, dance performance or dance choreography may apply for a 2012-2013 Individual Artist Fellowship Award from the South Carolina Arts Commission. Up to four fellowships of $5,000 will be awarded.  The Arts Commission’s Individual Artist Fellowship program encourages the pursuit of artistic excellence and provides financial support to South Carolina artists of merit. Fellowship awards have no restriction on use of funds.

For more information, visit the S.C. Individual Artist Fellowships grant guidelines page.

Pee Dee Arts is dedicated to promoting the Arts and cultural activities in the Pee Dee Region of Eastern South Carolina.  To have your event, program or class promoted, email Bruce Douglas at peedeearts@gmail.com. 

This blogsite is our temporary eHome until our website is completed.

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