Monday, July 9, 2012

Stand up for the Arts, Teachers and South Carolina - A message from Vincent Sheheen

Below is a letter sent out by email from Senator Vincent Sheheen of Kershaw County:

We have a choice - continue to have a government that is mocked around the Nation or demand better leadership.  Last week, Nikki Haley sacrificed the good of South Carolina on the alter of National Press attention.  To play up to her extremest supporters, Haley shut down the South Carolina's Arts Commission and cut teacher's pay. 
Abolishing the South Carolina Arts Commission makes us one of the only state's in our great Union not to support the Arts.  By cutting teacher pay, Haley sends an unmistakeable message that our State Government does not value education or our teachers.  It's obvious that her actions are extremest positions calculated to play to the national audience she so craves.  But while Haley may benefit from these destructive actions, our State is suffering. Good people can no longer stand by and silently accept such behavior.  Future business prospects will have a dim view of a state that does not promote its own culture and does not value public education.
This is not a game. Her continued pattern of irresponsible behavior is dangerous to the state we love. One-party government has always led to extremist leaders, and we are now seeing that in action.

It's time for something different in South Carolina. Let's be honest, for over ten years we've been lead by politicians who have cared more about themselves than the good of our state.

Let's show Haley and her extremest buddies that we've had enough. Go to my Facebook page and answer the poll question: Do you believe Nikki Haley and our legistature should restore the Arts Commission and Teacher pay?

Let's show Nikki Haley that we are tired of the political games.

It's time for a change, and you are part of it.

Stay tuned,


Pee Dee Arts would like to thank Senator Sheheen and all of the other arts advocates speaking out about Nikki Haley's continued foolishness and apparent selfishness. 

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