Saturday, December 1, 2012

FRAA Awards 5 Quarterly Grants

The Florence Regional Arts Alliance (FRAA) recently awarded five grants through its Quarterly Grants Program.  "We had an outstanding group of applicants and the recipients are definitely very deserving," said Bruce Douglas, Executive Director of FRAA.  

The five grant recipients are: Dolores Johnson's Phat Pheet Dance Team of Williams Middle School, the Masterworks Choir, Lake City Community Theatre, Chrissy Thompson of Greenwood Elementary School and the Florence Symphony Orchestra. 

"Our Quarterly Grants Program allows us to assist organizations throughout Florence County. We are pleased with the programs and projects we are supporting now and look forward to assisting more organizations and artists in the future," said Quincy Kennedy, President of FRAA. 

FRAA's Quarterly Grants Program is partially funded by South Carolina Arts Commission and the National Endowment for the Arts, as well as from a generous contribution by the John and Susan Bennett Memorial Arts Fund of the Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina. Additional funding is provided by Honda of South Carolina. Since FRAA's Grants Program's inception in 1987, over $250,000 in financial support to individual artists, organizations, teachers, and schools has been awarded.  For more information about FRAA's Quarterly Grants Program, click here.

Established in 1984, the Florence Regional Arts Alliance is a community-based non-profit organization that is committed to preserving, supporting, and promoting the Arts in Florence County. Additionally, FRAA strives to promote and strengthen the arts in the region through its online arts marketing initiative, Pee Dee Arts.

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