Wednesday, February 27, 2013

March 16th: FLT Schoolhouse Players to present The Princess and the Pea

The Florence Little Theatre Schoolhouse Players present The Princess and the Pea on Saturday, March 16, 2013 at 11:00am. This play is directed by Tede LeBarron and underwritten by Chick-fil-A.

The Prince must marry a real princess before his next birthday or he will lose the throne.  The only way to tell if a girl is a real princess, is to have her take a test!  With the help of the Steward, the Prince gets his Princess to take the test - and she passes!
Tickets are $3.00 per person and can be purchased one hour prior to the show. The Florence Little Theatre is located at 417 S. Dargan Street, Florence. For more information, please call the Theatre office at 662-3731 or visit the FLT web site.

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