Monday, October 21, 2013

November 1st: Deadline for Horizons Programs with FSD1

Florence School District One is looking for 
gifted and talented visual art students to participate in the Horizons Programs

Horizons is a visual arts program which serves 4th, 5th and 6th graders, with Horizons (2) serving 7th and 8th graders. The programs will offer intensive creative thinking activities in studio art settings.

Parents who wish to nominate students for these programs may obtain the nomination forms from the elementary or middle schools or from the Florence School District One Office. Art teachers are currently nominating students for both programs. Nominations will close on November 1st.

Screening procedures for Horizons and Horizons (2) will follow a process approved by the South Carolina Department of Education. To participate, students must show responsibility and maturity, as well as talent in completing a portfolio to present to the school art teacher and a district screening committee.

Guidelines for preparation of the portfolio can be obtained from school art teachers or Laura McFadden at Florence School District One Office. Portfolios are due in January for Horizons and February for Horizons (2); individual student interviews will be conducted in March of 2014.

The programs are held eighteen days (18) during the summer at Briggs Elementary School. Dates of the 2013 program are June 9 – July 1, 2014. Approximately sixty-five (65) students will be selected for Horizons and twenty-five (25) students will be selected to participate in Horizons 2. Students must be available to attend all eighteen days with no absences.

For more information, call Laura McFadden at 843-673-1135.

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