Friday, July 18, 2014

Top of the Pot 2nd Annual Songwriter Competition

It’s almost time …..for the “Top of the Pot” 2nd Annual Singer Song Writer Competition to begin - registration is open through July 19th. This years prizes are; 1st place a recording package from Southern Harmony and a $300.00 cash, 2nd place $75. 00 , 3rd place $50.00 compliments of our locally owned First Reliance Bank $75.00, 4th & 5th place are $25.00 gift certificates courtesy Musical Depot, and new this year there’s a peoples choice award of $25.00 compliments from the Speak Easy Band. Registration info and rules can be found on Clay Pot's Face Book page under photos or picked up at Clay Pot, Musical Depot, Southern Harmony or Humble Soaps. 

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