Friday, August 22, 2014

November 17: Percussion Concerto by the Florence Symphony Orchestra featuring Shane Reeves

Monday, November 17, 2014
Percussion Concerto Performed by the Florence Symphony Orchestra
Featuring Percussionist Shane Reeves
843.661.2541, FSO Office
The Florence Symphony Orchestra presents a Percussion Concerto featuring Shane Reeves Monday, November 17, 2014. The FSO fall concert includes the Grammy Award-winning Jennifer Higdon’s Percussion Concerto and Symphony No. 5 by Dmitri Shostakovich. Season subscriptions are available by calling the FSO office or visiting the FSO website. Single concert tickets may be purchased by calling the FMU PAC box office at 843.661.4444 or visiting Senior and student discounts are available. Single tickets are available for purchase after October 13, 2014.
All concerts are held at 7:30 PM at the Francis Marion University Performing Arts Center.

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