Thursday, March 26, 2015

History and Preservation Photography Contest

Attention all lovers of South Carolina history and preservation: The South Carolina Department of Archives and History, along with its division of State Historic Preservation, is hosting a photography contest beginning NOW through April 25, 2015. 

Here's how to enter:
Take a photo of a historically significant building, home, area, piece of land, etc., and email it to:

In the subject line, place the words "photo contest." Be as creative as you want, but special consideration will be given to South Carolina's National Register properties. Of course, if you manage to send something in of which we have never seen, you may get extra-special consideration!

Entries must be received by 5 p.m. on 4/25 and must be in .jpg format in their full resolution.

You don't have to be a professional. Cellphone photos are more than welcome. Just be creative! Also- please provide a description of the photo and a few sentences describing what it means to you.

We will pick the top ten photos and display them on our Facebook page and will then let our followers choose the winner. We will give each person credit for their photo, however, by sending it to us, you give the South Carolina Department of Archives and History permission to use the photo online or in publications.

For a full list of South Carolina's National Register properties, visit:
You will find properties listed by clicking on the county of your choice.

Please submit your own work, and make sure you do not trespass on private property in order to get your photo.

Historic organizations may also submit photos, but they must be taken by a member of your organization.
Tell your friends and spread the word!
Have fun, and happy snapping!

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