Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Funding Opportunity

FRAA Now Accepting Applications for Grant Funding

The Florence Regional Arts Alliance is currently accepting quarterly grant applications from artists, organizations, schools, and teachers for arts projects scheduled to begin in October, November, and December. Applications are due on or before 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 1.

The Alliance is committed to operation of the Quarterly Grants Program, as subcontracted to it by the South Carolina Arts Commission. Partial funding for the program is provided from budgetary allocation by the South Carolina State Legislature and from the National Endowment for the Arts as well as from a generous contribution by the John and Susan Bennett Memorial Arts Fund of the Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina. The balance of the funding is provided by matching funds raised on a 1:1 basis by the Florence Regional Arts Alliance. Since beginning of the program in 1987, The Alliance has awarded over $250,000 in financial support to individual artists, organizations, teachers, and schools. The Alliance also operates a Teacher Incentive Grants Program, which provides quarterly financial assistance for arts projects teachers want to pursue and/or for which there are no curricular funds.

Organizations and Individual Artists who apply for the Quarterly Grants may request up to a maximum of $1,000 per award, Applicants must match funds requested on a 2:1 basis for organizations or a 1:2 basis for individual artists. Those applying for Teacher Incentive Grants may request up to a maximum of $500; no matching funds are required. Projects must begin in the quarter for which application is made. Both Quarterly Grants and Teacher Incentive Grants require submission of Final Reports upon project completion. Funding is on a reimbursement basis after the project has been completed and upon the submission and acceptance of a Final Report.

For artists, financial assistance is available for professional development and/or career advancement. Support may be requested for pilot or short-term projects as well as longer-term enterprises, which may include (but not be limited to) such opportunities as production; exhibition; planning and promotion; and/or educational experiences to include seminars, conferences, workshops, and/or apprenticeships.

For organizations, schools, and units of government, financial assistance is available for arts projects, activities, programs, and events as well as for professional development opportunities to assist artistic and/or management staff. Support may be requested for projects that include but are not limited to exhibitions; performances; arts and cultural festivals; promotion, publicity, and printing; arts-related, contracted services and/or consultancies; and/or attendance at seminars, institutes, and/or workshops for artistic and/or management staff of board members of arts or arts-related operations.

Guidelines and Applications for both of the Quarterly Grants Programs and for the Teacher Incentive Grants Program can be obtained by contacting the Florence Regional Arts Alliance at 843-665-2787. Because application materials change from time to time, it is recommended that previous applicants request copies of the current materials. Those planning to apply are encouraged to consult with the Executive Director prior to submission.

Established in 1984, the Florence Regional Arts Alliance is a community-based non-profit organization that is committed to preserving, supporting, and promoting a strong, active, and vibrant arts community by 1) providing grants to artists, organizations, teachers, and schools; 2) recognizing students, individuals, and businesses through a broadly-baased program of awards and scholarships; 3) offering community programming that showcases the visual arts, the performing arts, and the literary arts; and 4) serving as an advocate for the arts to business, civic, and governmental leaders.  All initiatives of The Arts Alliance are premised on the basic organizational core value and guiding principle that the arts are fundamental to quality of life, education, and economic development, particularly in the knowledge-based economy of today, an economy that will increasingly seek innovative, imaginative, and creative solutions to a variety of issues that will be faced during the 21st Century. 

Operating from facilities located at 412 South Dargan Street in the Emerging Arts and Cultural District of Downtown Florence, The Arts Alliance is funded in part by the South Carolina Arts Commission, which receives support from the National Endowment for the Arts.  In adition, The Arts Alliance depends on charitable gifts from individuals, businesses, and corporations in its area of service.

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