Tuesday, September 18, 2012

‘Are We Democracy?’ Dance Project Invites Community Participation

"Are We Democracy?,” a residency program by Urban Bush Women (UBW) in partnership with Coker College Dance, will be held during the week of Sept. 24 at Coker College.

UBW uses dance to bring attention to the stories and experiences of disenfranchised people. The Brooklyn-based dance company has developed numerous institutes, workshops and residency programs to promote social justice and encourage civic engagement.

The UBW are offering the community an incredible dance experience, leadership development exercise, and collaborative creative opportunity that facilitates public dialogue around the question “Are We Democracy?”

“UBW’s residency here will not only build community, it will encourage everyone to get involved and be an active part of the democratic process,” said Associate Professor of Dance Angela Gallo.

Members of the Hartsville community, with or without formal dance training, are invited to participate in the program.

“We really want a lot of people to participate in the project – from all walks of life—old, young, in between, all cultural and ethnic backgrounds,” said Gallo.

The residency will culminate in a public presentation to be performed at 2 p.m. Sept. 29 at Burry Park on Cargill Way. For more information about dance at Coker College or about participating in “Are We Democracy?,” contact Gallo at 843-383-8381 or agallo@coker.edu.
The performance and residency of the Urban Bush Woman is funded, in part, by a grant from South Arts in partnership with the National Endowment of the Arts, the H.M. and Pearl Kyle Foundation and Black Creek Arts Council, which receives funds from the Sonoco Foundation, South Carolina Arts Commission, the John and Susan Bennett Memorial Arts Fund of the Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina.

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