Thursday, February 14, 2013

February 20th: Humanities Out Loud Lecture Features Lucy Beam Hoffman

In the first public event of Coker’s new honors program, Holocaust historian Lucy Beam Hoffman will give a free lecture at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 20 in Davidson Hall Auditorium.

Hoffman’s lecture, “The Seeds of the Final Solution,” explains how one step led to the next as the Nazi’s euthanasia program that was used to kill physically and mentally infirmed people gradually evolved into Hitler’s program to exterminate Jews.

The lecture coincides with national celebrations of the 20th anniversary of the National Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C., which is conducting a four-city tour to demonstrate the continuing relevance of the Holocaust.

Hoffman is a business owner who returned to school in 2002 to earn her master’s degree in history.  Specializing in Holocaust history, Hoffman is on the roster of Humanities Out Loud speaker’s bureau of The Humanities CouncilSC

Students of Coker’s Honors Program chose this speaker because “they felt that they had not heard much about the Euthanasia program,” said Jennifer Borgo, Coker College Honors Program director and assistant professor of biology.  “Given the impact that is still felt regarding these events, the students felt it was important for their generation to understand what happened.” 

Students enrolled in Coker’s Honors Program must meet elevated standards in the areas of cultural interaction, civic leadership and innovative scholarship and take advantage of engaged learning opportunities to ensure that they are optimally prepared for post-graduate study and professional success. 

Hoffman’s lecture is sponsored by The Humanities CouncilSC, a state program of the National Endowment for the Humanities; inspiring, engaging and enriching South Carolinians with programs on literature, history, culture and heritage.

For more information about the lecture or the Honors Program, contact Borgo at

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