Thursday, February 14, 2013

February 22nd: Humanities Conference Explores Ancient and Modern Leaders

As part of the fifth annual Coker Humanities Undergraduate Conference, Professor Norman Sandridge will give a lecture about the classical foundations of leadership at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 22 in Davidson Auditorium.

Sandridge’s presentation, titled “Educating Leaders Ancient and Modern: Xenophon the Athenian and the future of Digital Humanities,” is free and open to the public and will be followed by an informal reception.

Xenophon was an Athenian historian and philosopher who wrote about leadership using historical events and figures as models.

Sandridge serves as associate professor of classics, and a fellow in leadership studies and greater Washington outreach at Harvard University in Washington, D.C.

Sandridge earned his doctorate in classics at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. His research and teaching interests focus on the conceptual and cultural foundations of leadership. He is the author of “Loving Humanity, Learning, and Being Honored: The Foundations of Leadership in Xenophon’s Education of Cyrus.”
“Dr. Sandridge’s lecture will discuss the wisdom contained in classical texts about successful leadership and the roles of leaders in a society, demonstrating their relevance in the 21st century to each of us,” said Assistant Professor of Spanish Mac Williams.

The conference has been coordinated by Associate Professor of English Rhonda Knight, who directs the Liberal Arts Studies program at Coker and chairs the Department of Communication, Language and Literature, and Williams.

“Now in its fifth year, the Humanities Conference has become a valued tradition established by the college to bring college communities together to build and cultivate collaborative academic inquiry,” said Provost Tracy Parkinson.

“As undergraduate students, it is a privilege to share our academic research and interests with fellow students, members of the faculty and the community through the Humanities Conference,” said senior Elizabeth McCarley, an English major at Coker whose work has been selected for the conference.

Student presentations selected for the conference will begin at 9 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 23 in Davidson Hall and are also open to the public. Coker students presenting are Holly Evans, Andrews, S.C.; Arlia Frink, Hartsville, S.C.; Stephanie Harrelson, Hartsville, S.C.; Elizabeth McCarley, Hartsville, S.C.; Melanie McGrath, Marion, S.C.; and Estebon Middleton, Beaufort, S.C.

Other presenters include students from Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina.

For more information about the Coker Humanities Undergraduate Conference, which is hosted by the Coker College Department of Communication, Language and Literature, contact Williams at

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